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Access Serial Port Windows 7

tiocomloaro1979 2020. 2. 22. 00:34
  1. Access Serial Port Windows 7
  2. Cannot Access Serial Port Windows 7

Requirements You have assembled your or your, installed the appropriate drivers, and flashed the OS image (formerly called firmware). Set Up PuTTY. Download the PuTTY terminal emulator:. Apply a right mouse-click on the putty.exe file and select Run as administrator. Configure the PuTTY menu as follows:. Under Connection type, select Serial. In the Serial line field, enter the COM# for your board, such as COM7.

Note: If you did not identify your COM# when setting up your board, navigate to the Device Manager and check for an entry called USB Serial Port (not Intel Edison Virtual Com Port). The COM# is displayed next to the USB Serial Port entry, as highlighted below. In the Speed field, type 115200. Click Open.

Access Serial Port Windows 7

Access Serial Port Windows 7

When you see a blank screen, press the Enter key twice. A login prompt is displayed. At the login prompt, type root and press Enter. Press Enter when prompted for a password. You should see a terminal prompt.

Cannot Access Serial Port Windows 7

You have now established a serial communication with your board. You can interact with your board by entering common Linux commands. For a summary of useful commands, see.