Pitch Black Revenge Rar카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 6. 07:35
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If you saw my post as of late, you know I've got a lot of Premo (646 tracks in total). 646 is a hella lot, but since Premo is my favorite producer, I'm always looking for more of his work.
So, I'm going to propose a deal. If you give me five tracks of the 52 posted, I will give you the rest of my DJ Premier collection (assuming you downloaded the collection).
Pitch Black Revenge Rarity
That's 545 tracks (1 day, 8 hours, 56 minutes, and 52 seconds) (total subject to change:P) tracks of DJ Premier goodness. Happy Hunting.:)RULES? VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL VERSIONS OF THE TRACKS LISTED ARE ACCEPTED!
Pitch Black Revenge Rar Files
NO LOOPS!All City - Afta HourzAnisha Nicole - One Track MindAZ - Love Me In Your Special WayAZ - Don't Give a Fuck NowBig Shug featuring T-Wes and Singapore Cane - We GangstaBlahzay Blahzay - Danger (DJ Premier Remix)Born Unique - Call WaitingBoss - DeeperByata - The IllestChoclair - 21 YearsCormega - Days of RealityEZD featuring Gang Starr - For Da LoveEZD featuring O.C. Return to ItEZD - War & PositionFabidden featuring Boy Big - Proper DosageFabidden - F.A.B.I.D./Family ArtFlipsyde - It's Been a Long Time ComingFreddie Foxxx - The LifeFreshco - Planet BrooklynHasstyle - I Love WhenJanet Jackson - All for You (DJ Premier Remix)Jojo Pelligrino - Real SimpleJust Ice - I'm a GangstaJust Ice featuring Big Daddy Kane - Just Rhymin' Wit KaneKeith Murray - My Style is IncredibleKRS-One - Gettin HecticLady of Rage - Back on the BlockMadonna - Don't Tell Me (DJ Premier Remix)M.O.P - 4 LifeM.O.P.